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Python or Keyword

The Python or keyword is a logical operator which returns true when either of its operands is true, otherwise it returns false.


(expression_1 or expression_2)
(operand_1 or operand_2)           


In the example below, or keyword is used to combine multiple conditions to execute a block of code only when any of the condition is true.

day = "FRI"
if (day == "SAT" or day == "SUN"):
  print ("Its weekend.")
  print ("Its weekday.")

The output of the above code will be:

Its weekday.


In the example below, or keyword is used to combine multiple conditions and returns True only when any of the condition is true.

day = "SAT"
print (day == "SAT" or day == "SUN")

The output of the above code will be:


❮ Python Keywords