SQL Tutorial SQL Advanced SQL Database SQL References

Oracle GREATEST() Function

The Oracle (PL/SQL) GREATEST() function returns the greatest value in a list of expressions. The expressions must all be convertible to a common data type, which will be the type of the result. The result will be NULL if any of the expression evaluates to NULL.


GREATEST(expr1, expr2, ... expr_n)


expr1, expr2, ... expr_n Required. Specify the list of expressions to be evaluated.

Return Value

Returns the greatest value in a list of expressions.

Example 1:

The example below shows the usage of GREATEST() function.

GREATEST(20, 30, 60, 10)
Result: 60

GREATEST('20', '30', '60', '10')
Result: '60'

GREATEST('D', 'G', 'X', 'A')
Result: 'X'

GREATEST('Alpha', 'Beta', 'Delta', 'Gamma')
Result: 'Gamma'

GREATEST('Alpha1', 'Alpha2', 'Alpha3', 'Alpha4')
Result: 'Alpha4'

Example 2:

Consider a database table called Sample with the following records:

Data 110011
Data 2201512
Data 3303013
Data 4404514
Data 5506015

To get the greatest value, when values of column x, column y and column z are compared, the following query can be used:

SELECT Sample.*, 
FROM Sample;

This will produce the result as shown below:

Data 11001111
Data 220151220
Data 330301330
Data 440451445
Data 550601560

❮ Oracle Functions