US liquid gallons to Cubic meters Conversion

US gal

How to convert US liquid gallons to cubic meters

1 US liquid gallon is equal to 0.003785411784 cubic meters:

1 US gal = 0.003785411784 m3

When a volume V in US liquid gallons is multiplied by 0.003785411784, it gives volume in cubic meters.

Vm3 = VUS gal × 0.003785411784


To convert 5 US liquid gallons into cubic meters, it is multiplied by 0.003785411784:

(5 US gal) × 0.003785411784 = 0.01892705892 m3

US liquid gallons

The US liquid gallon (frequently called as "gallon") is defined as 231 cubic inches, which is exactly 3.785411784 liters. There are four quarts in a gallon, two pints in a quart and 16 US fluid ounces in a US pint, which makes the US fluid ounce equal to 1128 of a US gallon. The SI symbols is US gal.

Cubic meters

The meters per second is an SI unit of speed (scalar quantity) and velocity (vector quantity). It is equal to the distance traveled a body in meters in one second. The SI unit symbols are m/s, m·s−1, or m s−1, and abbreviated as mps.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick US liquid gallon to cubic meter conversion table is given below:

US liquid gallonsCubic meters
100 US gal0.379 m3
200 US gal0.757 m3
300 US gal1.136 m3
400 US gal1.514 m3
500 US gal1.893 m3
600 US gal2.271 m3
700 US gal2.65 m3
800 US gal3.028 m3
900 US gal3.407 m3
1000 US gal3.785 m3