US liquid gallons to Imperial gallons Conversion

US gal
imp gal

How to convert US liquid gallons to Imperial gallons

1 US liquid gallon is equal to 0.83267418 Imperial gallons:

1 US gal = 0.83267418 imp gal

When a volume V in US liquid gallons is multiplied by 0.83267418, it gives volume in Imperial gallons.

Vimp gal = VUS gal × 0.83267418


To convert 5 US liquid gallons into Imperial gallons, it is multiplied by 0.83267418:

(5 US gal) × 0.83267418 = 4.16337092 imp gal

US liquid gallons

The US liquid gallon (frequently called as "gallon") is defined as 231 cubic inches, which is exactly 3.785411784 liters. There are four quarts in a gallon, two pints in a quart and 16 US fluid ounces in a US pint, which makes the US fluid ounce equal to 1128 of a US gallon. The SI symbols is US gal.

Imperial gallons

The Imperial gallon is defined as exactly 4.54609 liters (277.4194 cubic inches). There are four quarts in a gallon, the imperial pint is defined as 0.56826125 liters (i.e. 18 gallon) and there are 20 imperial fluid ounces in an imperial pint. The SI symbols is imp gal.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick US liquid gallon to Imperial gallon conversion table is given below:

US liquid gallonsImperial gallons
1 US gal0.833 imp gal
2 US gal1.665 imp gal
3 US gal2.498 imp gal
4 US gal3.331 imp gal
5 US gal4.163 imp gal
6 US gal4.996 imp gal
7 US gal5.829 imp gal
8 US gal6.661 imp gal
9 US gal7.494 imp gal
10 US gal8.327 imp gal