Liters to US liquid gallons Conversion

US gal

How to convert liters to US liquid gallons

1 liter is equal to 0.2641720524 US liquid gallons:

1 L = (1/3.785411784) US gal = 0.2641720524 US gal

When a volume V in liters is divided by 3.785411784, it gives volume in US liquid gallons.

VUS gal = VL / 3.785411784


To convert 200 liters into US liquid gallons, it is divided by 3.785411784:

(200 L) / 3.785411784 = 52.8344104716 US gal


The litre (British English spelling) or liter (American English spelling) is a metric unit of volume. It is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm3), 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3) or 0.001 cubic metre (m3). The SI symbols is L, l.

US liquid gallons

The US liquid gallon (frequently called as "gallon") is defined as 231 cubic inches, which is exactly 3.785411784 liters. There are four quarts in a gallon, two pints in a quart and 16 US fluid ounces in a US pint, which makes the US fluid ounce equal to 1128 of a US gallon. The SI symbols is US gal.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick liter to US liquid gallon conversion table is given below:

LitersUS liquid gallons
100 L26.417 US gal
200 L52.834 US gal
300 L79.252 US gal
400 L105.669 US gal
500 L132.086 US gal
600 L158.503 US gal
700 L184.92 US gal
800 L211.338 US gal
900 L237.755 US gal
1000 L264.172 US gal