Milliliters to Cubic meters Conversion


How to convert milliliters to cubic meters

1 milliliter is equal to 0 cubic meters:

1 ml = (1/1000000) m3 = 0 m3

When a volume V in milliliters is divided by 1000000, it gives volume in cubic meters.

Vm3 = Vml / 1000000


To convert 2000 milliliters into cubic meters, it is divided by 1000000:

(2000 ml) / 1000000 = 0.002 m3


The millilitre (British English spelling) or milliliter (American English spelling) is a metric unit of volume. It is equal to 1 cubic centimeter (cm3), or 10-6 cubic metre (m3). The SI symbols is mL or ml.

Cubic meters

The meters per second is an SI unit of speed (scalar quantity) and velocity (vector quantity). It is equal to the distance traveled a body in meters in one second. The SI unit symbols are m/s, m·s−1, or m s−1, and abbreviated as mps.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick milliliter to cubic meter conversion table is given below:

MillilitersCubic meters
100000 ml0.1 m3
200000 ml0.2 m3
300000 ml0.3 m3
400000 ml0.4 m3
500000 ml0.5 m3
600000 ml0.6 m3
700000 ml0.7 m3
800000 ml0.8 m3
900000 ml0.9 m3
1000000 ml1 m3