Cubic meters to Imperial gallons Conversion

imp gal

How to convert cubic meters to Imperial gallons

1 cubic meter is equal to 219.96924829909 Imperial gallons:

1 m3 = (1/0.00454609) imp gal = 219.96924829909 imp gal

When a volume V in cubic meters is divided by 0.00454609, it gives volume in Imperial gallons.

Vimp gal = Vm3 / 0.00454609


To convert 5 cubic meters into Imperial gallons, it is divided by 0.00454609:

(5 m3) / 0.00454609 = 1099.8462414954 imp gal

Cubic meters

The meters per second is an SI unit of speed (scalar quantity) and velocity (vector quantity). It is equal to the distance traveled a body in meters in one second. The SI unit symbols are m/s, m·s−1, or m s−1, and abbreviated as mps.

Imperial gallons

The Imperial gallon is defined as exactly 4.54609 liters (277.4194 cubic inches). There are four quarts in a gallon, the imperial pint is defined as 0.56826125 liters (i.e. 18 gallon) and there are 20 imperial fluid ounces in an imperial pint. The SI symbols is imp gal.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick cubic meter to Imperial gallon conversion table is given below:

Cubic metersImperial gallons
0.1 m321.997 imp gal
0.2 m343.994 imp gal
0.3 m365.991 imp gal
0.4 m387.988 imp gal
0.5 m3109.985 imp gal
0.6 m3131.982 imp gal
0.7 m3153.978 imp gal
0.8 m3175.975 imp gal
0.9 m3197.972 imp gal
1 m3219.969 imp gal