JavaScript - Function() Constructor
In JavaScript, by using function literals is another way of defining functions. A function literal is an expression that defines an unnamed function. The syntax for using function literals is given below:
//Defining function var variableName = function (parameters) { statements; } //Calling function variableName(parameters);
The example below shows the usage of function literals.
var func = function (a, b){ document.write ("The sum is ", a + b); } func(10, 15);
The output of the above code will be:
The sum is 25
Consider one more example to describe the usage of function literals.
var func = function (a, b){ document.write ("The product is ", a * b); } function Myfunction() { func(5, 12); } Myfunction();
The output of the above code will be:
The product is 60
❮ JavaScript - Functions