JavaScript - Switch
The Switch statement in JavaScript language is used to execute one of many code statements. It can be considered as group of If-else statements.
switch (expression){ case 1: statement 1; break; case 2: statement 2; break; ... ... ... case N: statement N; break; default: default statement; }
The switch expression is evaluated and matched with the cases. When the case matches, the following block of code is executed.
Flow Diagram:
In the example below, the switch expression is a variable called day. The getDay() function is used to get the current day as a number. Based on the value of the day variable, the program prints the current day.
var day = new Date().getDay(); var txt; switch(day) { case 0: txt = "Sunday"; break; case 1: txt = "Monday"; break; case 2: txt = "Tuesday"; break; case 3: txt = "Wednesday"; break; case 4: txt = "Thursday"; break; case 5: txt = "Friday"; break; case 6: txt = "Saturday"; } txt = "Today is " + txt + ".";
The output (value of txt) after running above script will be:
default and break statements
Default case and break statement are optional here.
- Default Case: Default Statement is executed when there is no match between switch expression and test cases.
- Break Statement: Break statement is used to get out of the Switch statement after a match is found.
In the example below, default statement is used. The default code block is executed, whenever the value of switch expression day is not equal to 0 or 6.
var day = new Date().getDay(); var txt; switch(day) { case 0: txt = "Today is Sunday."; break; case 6: txt = "Today is Saturday."; break; default: txt = "Today is not a weekend."; }
The output of the above code will be:
Please note that, the default statement can be placed at any position in the switch statement. In such instances, add break statement with default statement.
Consider the example below, where default statement is placed on the top in a switch statement.
var day = new Date().getDay(); var txt; switch(day) { default: txt = "Today is not a weekend."; break; case 0: txt = "Today is Sunday."; break; case 6: txt = "Today is Saturday."; }
The output of the above code will be:
Common code blocks
There are instances where same code block is required in multiple cases.
In the example below, same code block is shared for different switch cases.
var day = new Date().getDay(); var txt; switch(day) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: txt = "Today is a weekday."; break; case 0: case 6: txt = "Today is a weekend."; }
The output of the above code will be: