JavaScript Tutorial JavaScript References

JavaScript - Comments

The Comments are added in programming code with the purpose of making the code easier to understand. It makes the code more readable and hence easier to update the code later. Comments are ignored by the compiler while running the code. In JavaScript, there are two ways of putting a comment.

  • Single line comment
  • Multi-line comment

Single line Comment

It starts with // and ends with the end of that line. Anything after // to the end of the line is a single line comment and will be ignored by the compiler.


The example below illustrates how to use single line comments in a JavaScript code. The compiler ignores the comments while compiling the code.

var txt;
// first line comment
txt = "Hello World!"; // second line comment

The output (value of txt) after running above script will be:

Hello World!

Block Comment

It starts with /* and ends with */. Anything between /* and */ is a block comment and will be ignored by compiler.


statements; /*block comment.*/ statements;


The example below describes how to use multiple line comments in a JavaScript code which is ignored by the compiler while compiling the code.

block comment. */ var txt; 
txt = /* second block comment */ "Hello World!"; 

The output of the above code will be:

Hello World!