Swift Tutorial Swift References

Swift - arithmetic operators example

The example below shows the usage of arithmetic operators - addition(+), subtraction(-), multiply(*), division(/), and modulo(%) operators.

var a = 9.0
var b = 2.0

print("a = \(a), b = \(b) \n")

//Add a and b
var result_add = a + b
print("a + b = \(result_add)")

//Subtract b from a
var result_sub = a - b
print("a - b = \(result_sub)")

//Multiply a and b
var result_mul = a * b
print("a * b = \(result_mul)")

//Divide a by b
var result_div = a / b
print("a / b = \(result_div)")

//return division remainder
//works only with integral operands
var result_modulo = Int(a) % Int(b)
print("a % b = \(result_modulo)")

The output of the above code will be:

a =  9.0 , b =  2.0 

a + b =  11.0
a - b =  7.0
a * b =  18.0
a / b =  4.5
a % b =  1

❮ Swift - Operators