Swift Tutorial Swift References

Swift - nextafter() Function

The Swift nextafter() function returns the next representable value after first argument in the direction of second argument.


In Foundation framework, it is defined as follows:

public func nextafter(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
public func nextafter(_ lhs: Float, _ rhs: Float) -> Float
public func nextafter(_ lhs: Float80, _ rhs: Float80) -> Float80
public func nextafter(_ __x: Double, _ __y: Double) -> Double


lhs, x Specify the base value.
rhs, y Specify the value toward which the return value is approximated.

Return Value

Returns the next representable value after first argument in the direction of second argument.


The example below shows the usage of nextafter() function.

import Foundation

print("nextafter(0.8, 1) = \(nextafter(0.8, 1))")
print("nextafter(0.8, 0) = \(nextafter(0.8, 0))")
print("nextafter(-0.8, -1) = \(nextafter(-0.8, -1))")
print("nextafter(-0.8, 0) = \(nextafter(-0.8, 0))")

The output of the above code will be:

nextafter(0.8, 1) = 0.8000000000000002
nextafter(0.8, 0) = 0.7999999999999999
nextafter(-0.8, -1) = -0.8000000000000002
nextafter(-0.8, 0) = -0.7999999999999999

❮ Swift Math Functions