Swift Tutorial Swift References

Swift - lgamma() Function

The Swift lgamma() function returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of gamma function (log gamma function) of the argument. The log gamma function of x is defined as:

Log-gamma Function


In Foundation framework, it is defined as follows:

public func lgamma(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
public func lgamma(_ x: Float) -> Float
public func lgamma(_ x: Float80) -> Float80
public func lgamma(_ __x: Double) -> Double


x Specify the value.

Return Value

Returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of gamma function of the argument.


The example below shows the usage of lgamma() function.

import Foundation

print("lgamma(-2.5) = \(lgamma(-2.5))")
print("lgamma(-1.5) = \(lgamma(-1.5))")
print("lgamma(0.1) = \(lgamma(0.1))")
print("lgamma(1.5) = \(lgamma(1.5))")
print("lgamma(2.5) = \(lgamma(2.5))")

The output of the above code will be:

lgamma(-2.5) = -0.05624371649767407
lgamma(-1.5) = 0.8600470153764809
lgamma(0.1) = 2.2527126517342055
lgamma(1.5) = -0.12078223763524522
lgamma(2.5) = 0.2846828704729192

❮ Swift Math Functions