Python - List of Tuples
A list of tuples is a list which contains tuple as elements. There are many ways through which a list of tuples can be created in Python. Few ways are mentioned below:
Create list of tuples
Method 1: Using Tuples as elements in the List
In the example below, tuples p1, p2 and p3 are used as elements for list person.
p1 = ('John', 25, 'London') p2 = ('Marry', 27, 'Paris') p3 = ('Ramesh', 26, 'Delhi') person = [p1, p2, p3] print(person)
The above code will give the following output:
[('John', 25, 'London'), ('Marry', 27, 'Paris'), ('Ramesh', 26, 'Delhi')]
Method 2: Appending Tuples in the List
In the example below, tuples p1, p2 and p3 are appended in the list person one by one.
p1 = ('John', 25, 'London') p2 = ('Marry', 27, 'Paris') p3 = ('Ramesh', 26, 'Delhi') person = [] person.append(p1) person.append(p2) person.append(p3) print(person)
The output of above code will be:
[('John', 25, 'London'), ('Marry', 27, 'Paris'), ('Ramesh', 26, 'Delhi')]
Method 3: Using List comprehension
In this example, all element of list person is converted into a tuple using list comprehension.
def listoftuples(lst): return [(item,) for item in lst] person = ['John', 'Marry', 'Ramesh'] print(listoftuples(person))
The code will give the following output:
[('John',), ('Marry',), ('Ramesh',)]
Method 4: Using map() function
In this example, all element of list person is converted into a tuple using python map() function.
def listoftuples(lst): return list(map(lambda item:(item,), lst)) person = ['John', 'Marry', 'Ramesh'] print(listoftuples(person))
The code will give the following output:
[('John',), ('Marry',), ('Ramesh',)]