C++ Standard Library C++ STL Library

C++ <stack> - operator>= Function

The C++ <stack> operator>= function is used to check whether the first stack is greater than or equal to the second stack or not. It returns true if the first stack is greater than or equal to the second stack, else returns false.


template <class T, class Container>
bool operator>= (const stack<T,Container>& lhs, const stack<T,Container>& rhs);
template <class T, class Container>
bool operator>= (const stack<T,Container>& lhs, const stack<T,Container>& rhs);


lhs First stack.
rhs Second stack.

Return Value

Returns true if the contents of lhs are lexicographically greater than or equal to the contents of rhs, else returns false.

Time Complexity

Linear i.e, Θ(n).


In the example below, the operator>= function is used to check whether the first stack is greater than or equal to the second stack or not.

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
int main (){
  stack<int> stk1;
  stack<int> stk2;
  for(int i = 0; i<3; i++) {

  if (stk1 >= stk2)
    cout<<"stk1 is greater than or equal to stk2.\n";
    cout<<"stk1 is not greater than or equal to stk2.\n";

  cout<<"After deleting top element of stk1.\n";
  if (stk1 >= stk2)
    cout<<"stk1 is greater than or equal to stk2.\n";
    cout<<"stk1 is not greater than or equal to stk2.\n";
  return 0;

The output of the above code will be:

stk1 is greater than or equal to stk2.
After deleting top element of stk1.
stk1 is not greater than or equal to stk2.

❮ C++ <stack> Library