C++ Standard Library C++ STL Library

C++ <complex> - operator+= Function

The C++ complex::operator+= function supports compound assignment operator (plus AND assignment operator) of two complex numbers or a complex and a scalar.


complex& operator+= (const T& val);
template<class X> complex& operator+= (const complex<X>& rhs);


val Specify scalar value of matching type.
rhs Specify complex value of matching type.

Return Value



In the example below, the complex::operator+= function is used to perform plus and assignment operation on a given complex number.

#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
using namespace std;
int main (){
  complex<double> z1 (10, 20);
  complex<double> z2 (2, 3);
  double x = 0.5;
  //displaying z1
  cout<<"z1 : "<<z1<<"\n";
  //adding z2 to z1
  z1 += z2;

  //displaying z1
  cout<<"z1 : "<<z1<<"\n";  

  //adding x to z1
  z1 += x;

  //displaying z1
  cout<<"z1 : "<<z1<<"\n";  

  return 0;

The output of the above code will be:

z1 : (10,20)
z1 : (12,23)
z1 : (12.5,23)

❮ C++ <complex> Library