SQLite Tutorial SQLite Advanced SQLite Database SQLite References

SQLite ROUND() Function

The SQLite ROUND() function returns a number rounded to the specified number of decimal places. If decimal_places is a negative number, this function rounds the number to 0 decimal places.


ROUND(number, decimal_places)


number Required. Specify the number to round.
decimal_places Optional. Specify the number of decimal places to round. If this parameter is omitted, the function rounds the number to 0 decimal places.

Return Value

Returns the rounded value of the number to specified decimal_places.

Example 1:

The example below shows the usage of ROUND() function.

SELECT ROUND(1234.5678, 0);
Result: 1235.0

SELECT ROUND(1234.5678, 1);
Result: 1234.6

SELECT ROUND(1234.5678, 2);
Result: 1234.57

SELECT ROUND(1234.5678, 3);
Result: 1234.568

SELECT ROUND(1234.5678, -1);
Result: 1235.0

SELECT ROUND(1234.5678, -2);
Result: 1235.0

SELECT ROUND(1234.5678);
Result: 1235.0

SELECT ROUND(-1234.5678);
Result: -1235.0

Example 2:

Consider a database table called Sample with the following records:

Data 1-3.75567
Data 2-5.3867
Data 313.9804
Data 493.1601
Data 548.1322

The statement given below can be used to round the records of column x to 2 decimal places.

SELECT *, ROUND(x, 2) AS ROUND_Value FROM Sample;

This will produce the result as shown below:

Data 1-3.75567-3.76
Data 2-5.3867-5.39
Data 313.980413.98
Data 493.160193.16
Data 548.132248.13

❮ SQLite Functions