Ounces to Pounds Conversion


How to convert ounces to pounds

1 ounce is equal to 0.0625 pounds:

1 oz = (1/16) lb = 0.0625 lb

When a weight W in ounces is divided by 16, it gives weight in pounds.

Wlb = Woz / 16


To convert 20 ounces into pounds, it is divided by 16:

(20 oz) / 16 = 1.25 lb


The ounce (abbreviation: oz) is used in most British derived customary systems of measurement. The common avoirdupois ounce is 116 of a common avoirdupois pound and defined as exactly 28.349523125 g under the international yard and pound agreement of 1959, signed by the United States and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations.


The pound or pound-mass (abbreviation: lb or lbm) is a unit of mass in the British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. Various definitions have been used for pound. The most common definition for today is the international avoirdupois pound, which is legally defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms, and which is divided into 16 avoirdupois ounces.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick ounce to pound conversion table is given below:

1 oz0.0625 lb
2 oz0.125 lb
3 oz0.1875 lb
4 oz0.25 lb
5 oz0.3125 lb
6 oz0.375 lb
7 oz0.4375 lb
8 oz0.5 lb
9 oz0.5625 lb
10 oz0.625 lb
16 oz1 lb
25 oz1.5625 lb
64 oz4 lb
100 oz6.25 lb