Yards to Miles Conversion


How to convert yards to miles

1 yard is equal to 0.0005682 miles:

1 yd = (1/1760) mi = 0.0005682 mi

When a distance L in yards is divided by 1760, it gives distance in miles.

Lmi = Lyd / 1760


To convert 100 yards into miles, it is divided by 1760:

(100 yd) / 1760 = 0.0568182 mi


The yard (abbreviation: yd or ″′) is a unit of length in the British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. It is equal to 3 feet or 36 inches. Since 1959 it is by international agreement standardized as exactly 0.9144 meters. 1760 yards is equal to 1 mile.


The mile sometimes the international mile or statute mile (abbreviation: mi or m) is an English unit of length. It is exactly equal to 5280 feet, or 1760 yards. In 1959, it is standardized as exactly 1609.344 meters by international agreement.

The international mile is precisely equal to 1.609344 km (or 25146/15625 km as a fraction). It was established as part of the 1959 international yard and pound agreement reached by the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Union of South Africa.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick yard to mile conversion table is given below:

100 yd0.0568 mi
200 yd0.1136 mi
300 yd0.1705 mi
400 yd0.2273 mi
500 yd0.2841 mi
600 yd0.3409 mi
700 yd0.3977 mi
800 yd0.4545 mi
900 yd0.5114 mi
1000 yd0.5682 mi
1760 yd1 mi