Feet to Nautical miles Conversion


How to convert feet to nautical miles

1 foot is equal to 0.00016458 nautical miles:

1 ft = (1/6076.12) nmi = 0.00016458 nmi

When a distance L in feet is divided by 6076.12, it gives distance in nautical miles.

Lnmi = Lft / 6076.12


To convert 5000 feet into nautical miles, it is divided by 6076.12:

(5000 ft) / 6076.12 = 0.82289417 nmi


The foot (plural feet) (abbreviation: ft or ) is a unit of length in the British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. It is equal to 13 yard or 12 inches. Its usage is widespread across the world as a measurement of height. Along with this, it is also used for the measurement of altitude in international aviation.

Nautical miles

A nautical mile is a unit of length used in air, marine, and space navigation, and for the definition of territorial waters. Historically, it was defined as one minute (160 of a degree) of latitude along any line of longitude. Presently, the international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1852 meters (6076 ft; 1.151 mi). The derived unit of speed is the knot, one nautical mile per hour.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick foot to nautical mile conversion table is given below:

FeetNautical miles
500 ft0.0823 nmi
1000 ft0.1646 nmi
1852 ft0.3048 nmi
2000 ft0.3292 nmi
3000 ft0.4937 nmi
4000 ft0.6583 nmi
5000 ft0.8229 nmi
6000 ft0.9875 nmi
7000 ft1.1521 nmi
8000 ft1.3166 nmi
9000 ft1.4812 nmi
10000 ft1.6458 nmi