PHP trim() Function
The PHP trim() function returns a string which is trimmed version of the specified string. It removes whitespaces or other characters from both sides of the string.
trim(string, characters)
string |
Required. Specify the string to trim. |
Characters |
Optional. Specify characters which need to be trimmed from the string. Without this parameter, the function will strip following characters:
Return Value
Returns the trimmed version of the specified string.
In the example below, trim() function is used to trim the given string.
<?php $MyString = " Hello World!. "; $NewString = trim($MyString); echo $NewString."\n"; ?>
The output of the above code will be:
Hello World!.
We can also specify the characters which need to be trimmed from the string as shown in the example below.
<?php $MyString = ",*#Hello World!#@!"; $NewString = trim($MyString, ",*#@!"); echo $NewString."\n"; ?>
The output of the above code will be:
Hello World
Example: Trimming array values
Consider one more example where this function is used to trim the array values.
<?php function trim_value(&$value) { $value = trim($value, "# @*"); } $arr = array("#John", " Marry ", " Kim*", "@Jo"); print_r($arr); echo "\n"; //trimming the array values array_walk($arr, 'trim_value'); print_r($arr); ?>
The output of the above code will be:
Array ( [0] => #John [1] => Marry [2] => Kim* [3] => @Jo ) Array ( [0] => John [1] => Marry [2] => Kim [3] => Jo )
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