PHP Function Reference

PHP substr_count() Function

The PHP substr_count() function returns the number of occurrences of specified substring in the specified string.

Note: The substring is case-sensitive. This function doesn't count overlapped substrings (see the example below).


substr_count(string, substring, offset, length)


string Required. Specify the input string.
substring Required. Specify the substring to search for.
offset Optional. Specify offset parameter which indicates where to start counting in the string. If it is negative, counting starts from the end of the string.
length Optional. Specify the maximum length after the specified offset to search for the substring. It generates a warning if the offset plus the length is greater than the string length. A negative length counts from the end of string.

Return Value

Returns the number of occurrences of substring in the string.


In the example below, this function is used to find out the number of occurrences of given substring in the given string.

$str = "This is an island.";

//number of occurrences of 'is' in the string
echo "1. ".substr_count($str, 'is')."\n"; 

//the string is reduced to 's is an island.'
//therefore returns 2
echo "2. ".substr_count($str, 'is', 3)."\n"; 

//the string is reduced to 's an island.'
//therefore returns 1
echo "3. ".substr_count($str, 'is', 6)."\n"; 

//the string is reduced to 's i'
//therefore returns 0
echo "4. ".substr_count($str, 'is', 3, 3)."\n"; 

The output of the above code will be:

1. 3
2. 2
3. 1
4. 0


Consider the example below which illustrates on function behavior with overlapped substrings. The function doesn't count overlapped substrings.

$str = "ABCABCABC";

//number of occurrences of 'ABCABC' in the string
echo substr_count($str, 'ABCABC'); 

The output of the above code will be:



When the offset plus the length parameter is greater than the string length, the function generates a warning. Consider the example below.

$str = "ABCABCABC";

//string length
echo "string length: ".strlen($str)."\n";

//generates a warning because 3+10 > 9
echo substr_count($str, 'ABCABC', 3, 10); 

The output of the above code will be:

string length: 9

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ValueError: substr_count(): Argument #4 ($length) must be contained in argument #1 ($haystack) in Main.php:8
Stack trace:
#0 Main.php(8): substr_count()
#1 {main}
  thrown in Main.php on line 8

❮ PHP String Reference