PHP Function Reference

PHP strcoll() Function

The PHP strcoll() function is used to perform case-sensitive string comparison of two strings.

Unlike strcmp() function, this function is not binary safe. This function uses the current locale for doing the comparisons. If the current locale is C or POSIX, this function is equivalent to strcmp() function.

Note: The strcoll() function is a case-sensitive but not a binary-safe function.


strcoll(str1, str2)


str1 Required. Specify the first string to compare
str2 Required. Specify the second string to compare

Return Value

Returns the following value:

  • Returns a number less than 0, when first string is less than second string.
  • Returns 0, when both strings are equal.
  • Returns a number greater than 0, when first string is greater than second string.


In the example below, strcoll() function is used to compare two strings and returns values based on the value of two strings.

//returns 0 as both strings are same
echo "result1: ".strcoll('Hello', 'Hello')."\n";

//returns positive number as first unmatched character
//of first string is greater than that of second string
echo "result2: ".strcoll('World', 'Hello')."\n";

//returns negative number as first unmatched character
//of first string is less than that of second string
echo "result3: ".strcoll('Hello', 'World')."\n";

The output of the above code will be:

result1: 0
result2: 15
result3: -15

❮ PHP String Reference