PHP Function Reference

PHP print() Function

The PHP print() function outputs an expression. The print() function is not actually a function but a language construct. Its argument is the expression following the print keyword, and is not required to use parentheses with it.

The major differences to echo are that print only accepts a single argument and always returns 1.




expression Required. Specify the expression to be sent to the output. Non-string values will be coerced to strings, even when the strict_types directive is enabled.

Return Value

Returns 1, always.


The example below illustrates on print() function.

//print do not require parenthesis
print "print does not require parentheses.\n";
print ("Although it can be used with parentheses.\n");

//print do not add newline or space
print "print do not add newline";
print "OR space";

print "\n";
//it prints multiple lines
print "This string 
spans multiple 

print "\n";
//another way of printing multiple lines
print "This string also \nspans multiple \nlines.";

The output of the above code will be:

print does not require parentheses.
Although it can be used with parentheses.
print do not add newlineOR space
This string 
spans multiple 
This string also
spans multiple 


Consider one more example to see other properties of print() function.

//print can take any expression 
//that produces a string
$x = "example";
print "This is an $x"; 

print "\n";
//can take a function which returns string
$colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
print implode(" and ", $colors); 

print "\n";
//non-string expressions are coerced to string
//even if declare(strict_types=1) is used
print (1 + 2) * 3;

print "\n";
//print has a return value 1, it can be used 
//in expressions - outputs "hello world"
if(print "Hello") {
  echo " World";

print "\n";
if(!print "Hello") {
  echo " World";
} else {
  echo " John";	

The output of the above code will be:

This is an example
red and green and blue
Hello World
Hello John

❮ PHP String Reference