PHP Function Reference

PHP SimpleXMLIterator - getChildren() Method

The PHP SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren() method returns a SimpleXMLIterator object containing sub-elements of the current SimpleXMLIterator element.


public SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren()


No parameter is required.

Return Value

Returns a SimpleXMLIterator object containing the sub-elements of the current element.

Example: returns the sub-elements of the current element

The example below shows the usage of SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren() method.

$xml = <<<XML
  <user id="John123">
    <name>John Smith</name>
    <city>New York</city>
  <user id="Marry2015">
    <name>Marry G.</name>

$xmlIterator  = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);

for($xmlIterator->rewind(); $xmlIterator->valid(); $xmlIterator->next()) {
  foreach($xmlIterator->getChildren() as $name => $data) {
    echo "$name: $data \n";

The output of the above code will be:

name: John Smith 
city: New York 
phone: +1-8054098000 
name: Marry G. 
city: London 
phone: +33-147996101 

❮ PHP SimpleXML Reference