PHP get_mangled_object_vars() Function
The PHP get_mangled_object_vars() function returns an associative array containing all non-static properties, regardless of visibility, of object. The keys are the member variable names, with a few notable exceptions: private variables have the class name prepended to the variable name, and protected variables have a * prepended to the variable name. These prepended values have NUL bytes on either side.
object |
Required. Specify an object instance. |
Return Value
Returns an associative array containing all properties, regardless of visibility, of object.
Example: get_mangled_object_vars() example
The example below shows the usage of get_mangled_object_vars() function.
<?php class myClass { private $a = 10; public $b = 20; public $c; protected $d = 30; static $e = 40; //class method public function test() { print_r(get_mangled_object_vars($this)); } } $myObj = new myClass(); //external call print_r(get_mangled_object_vars($myObj)); //internal call $myObj->test(); ?>
The output of the above code will be:
Array ( [myClassa] => 10 [b] => 20 [c] => [*d] => 30 ) Array ( [myClassa] => 10 [b] => 20 [c] => [*d] => 30 )
Example: using with derived class object
Consider the example below where this function is used with a derived class object.
<?php class myClass { private $a = 10; public $b = 20; public $c; protected $d = 30; static $e = 40; //class method public function test() { print_r(get_mangled_object_vars($this)); } } class newClass extends myClass { public $f = 50; private $g; static $h = 60; protected $i; } $myObj = new newClass(); //external call print_r(get_mangled_object_vars($myObj)); //internal call $myObj->test(); ?>
The output of the above code will be:
Array ( [f] => 50 [newClassg] => [*i] => [myClassa] => 10 [b] => 20 [c] => [*d] => 30 ) Array ( [f] => 50 [newClassg] => [*i] => [myClassa] => 10 [b] => 20 [c] => [*d] => 30 )
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