PHP get_declared_interfaces() Function
The PHP get_declared_interfaces() function returns an array with the name of all declared interfaces.
No parameter is required.
Return Value
Returns an array of the names of the declared interfaces in the current script.
Example: get_declared_interfaces() example
The example below shows the usage of get_declared_interfaces() function.
<?php print_r(get_declared_interfaces()); ?>
The output of the above code will be similar to:
Array ( [0] => Traversable [1] => IteratorAggregate [2] => Iterator [3] => Serializable [4] => ArrayAccess [5] => Countable [6] => Stringable [7] => Throwable [8] => DateTimeInterface [9] => JsonSerializable [10] => Reflector [11] => RecursiveIterator [12] => OuterIterator [13] => SeekableIterator [14] => SplObserver [15] => SplSubject [16] => SessionHandlerInterface [17] => SessionIdInterface [18] => SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface [19] => DOMParentNode [20] => DOMChildNode )
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