PHP get_declared_classes() Function
The PHP get_declared_classes() function returns an array with the name of all declared classes.
No parameter is required.
Return Value
Returns an array of the names of the declared classes in the current script.
Example: get_declared_classes() example
The example below shows the usage of get_declared_classes() function.
<?php class myClass { //codes } print_r(get_declared_classes()); ?>
The output of the above code will be similar to:
Array ( [0] => stdClass [1] => InternalIterator [2] => Exception [3] => ErrorException [4] => Error [5] => CompileError [6] => ParseError [7] => TypeError [8] => ArgumentCountError [9] => ValueError [10] => ArithmeticError [11] => DivisionByZeroError [12] => UnhandledMatchError [13] => Closure [14] => Generator [15] => ClosedGeneratorException [16] => WeakReference [17] => WeakMap [18] => Attribute [19] => DateTime [20] => DateTimeImmutable [21] => DateTimeZone [22] => DateInterval [23] => DatePeriod [24] => LibXMLError [25] => OpenSSLCertificate [26] => OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest [27] => OpenSSLAsymmetricKey [28] => InflateContext [29] => DeflateContext [30] => HashContext [31] => JsonException [32] => ReflectionException [33] => Reflection [34] => ReflectionFunctionAbstract [35] => ReflectionFunction [36] => ReflectionGenerator [37] => ReflectionParameter [38] => ReflectionType [39] => ReflectionNamedType [40] => ReflectionUnionType [41] => ReflectionMethod [42] => ReflectionClass [43] => ReflectionObject [44] => ReflectionProperty [45] => ReflectionClassConstant [46] => ReflectionExtension [47] => ReflectionZendExtension [48] => ReflectionReference [49] => ReflectionAttribute [50] => LogicException [51] => BadFunctionCallException [52] => BadMethodCallException [53] => DomainException [54] => InvalidArgumentException [55] => LengthException [56] => OutOfRangeException [57] => RuntimeException [58] => OutOfBoundsException [59] => OverflowException [60] => RangeException [61] => UnderflowException [62] => UnexpectedValueException [63] => RecursiveIteratorIterator [64] => IteratorIterator [65] => FilterIterator [66] => RecursiveFilterIterator [67] => CallbackFilterIterator [68] => RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator [69] => ParentIterator [70] => LimitIterator [71] => CachingIterator [72] => RecursiveCachingIterator [73] => NoRewindIterator [74] => AppendIterator [75] => InfiniteIterator [76] => RegexIterator [77] => RecursiveRegexIterator [78] => EmptyIterator [79] => RecursiveTreeIterator [80] => ArrayObject [81] => ArrayIterator [82] => RecursiveArrayIterator [83] => SplFileInfo [84] => DirectoryIterator [85] => FilesystemIterator [86] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator [87] => GlobIterator [88] => SplFileObject [89] => SplTempFileObject [90] => SplDoublyLinkedList [91] => SplQueue [92] => SplStack [93] => SplHeap [94] => SplMinHeap [95] => SplMaxHeap [96] => SplPriorityQueue [97] => SplFixedArray [98] => SplObjectStorage [99] => MultipleIterator [100] => SessionHandler [101] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class [102] => php_user_filter [103] => Directory [104] => AssertionError [105] => SodiumException [106] => PDOException [107] => PDO [108] => PDOStatement [109] => PDORow [110] => XMLParser [111] => DOMException [112] => DOMImplementation [113] => DOMNode [114] => DOMNameSpaceNode [115] => DOMDocumentFragment [116] => DOMDocument [117] => DOMNodeList [118] => DOMNamedNodeMap [119] => DOMCharacterData [120] => DOMAttr [121] => DOMElement [122] => DOMText [123] => DOMComment [124] => DOMCdataSection [125] => DOMDocumentType [126] => DOMNotation [127] => DOMEntity [128] => DOMEntityReference [129] => DOMProcessingInstruction [130] => DOMXPath [131] => FFI\Exception [132] => FFI\ParserException [133] => FFI [134] => FFI\CData [135] => FFI\CType [136] => finfo [137] => PharException [138] => Phar [139] => PharData [140] => PharFileInfo [141] => Shmop [142] => SimpleXMLElement [143] => SimpleXMLIterator [144] => Socket [145] => AddressInfo [146] => SysvMessageQueue [147] => SysvSemaphore [148] => SysvSharedMemory [149] => PhpToken [150] => XMLReader [151] => XMLWriter [152] => XSLTProcessor [153] => myClass )
❮ PHP Classes/Objects Reference