PHP krsort() Function
The PHP krsort() function is used to sort an array in descending order, according to the key and maintaining key to value association. This is useful mainly for associative arrays.
krsort(array, flags)
array |
Required. Specify the array to sort. |
flags |
Optional. Specify sorting type flags to modify the sorting behavior. Sorting type flags:
Return Value
Returns true on success and false in failure.
In the example below, krsort() function is used to sort an associative array in descending order, according to the key.
<?php $MyArray = array("Marry"=>25, "John"=>30, "Jo"=>45, "Kim"=>22, "Adam"=>35); krsort($MyArray); print_r($MyArray); ?>
The output of the above code will be:
Array ( [Marry] => 25 [Kim] => 22 [John] => 30 [Jo] => 45 [Adam] => 35 )
Consider one more example where this function is used to sort an associative array using case-insensitive natural ordering.
<?php $Arr = array("Color1"=>"Red", "color2"=>"Green", "Color3"=>"Blue", "Color20"=>"White"); krsort($Arr, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); print_r($Arr); ?>
The output of the above code will be:
Array ( [Color20] => White [Color3] => Blue [color2] => Green [Color1] => Red )
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