MySQLi Tutorial MySQLi References

mysqli $client_info Property

The mysqli::$client_info / mysqli::get_client_info() / mysqli_get_client_info() function returns a string that represents the MySQL client library version.


//Object-oriented style
public mysqli::get_client_info();

//Procedural style


No parameter is required.

Return Value

Returns a string that represents the MySQL client library version.

Example: mysqli_get_client_info() example

The example below shows the usage of mysqli_get_client_info() function.

//there is no need of a connection to determine 
//the version of mysql client library
printf("Client library version: %s\n", mysqli_get_client_info());

The output of the above code will be similar to:

Client library version: 4.1.2-alpha-debug

❮ MySQLi Functions Reference