Excel Tutorial

Excel ASIN Function

The Excel ASIN function returns arcsine (inverse sine) of a number. It returns result expressed in radians.

The ASIN function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Math/Trig Function. It can be used as a worksheet function in Excel. As a worksheet function, the ASIN function can be used as part of a formula in a worksheet cell.




number Required. Specify the value to get the arcsine of. The number must be between -1 and 1 inclusive.

Return Value

Returns the arcsine of a value.


  • To convert the result in degrees, multiply it by 180/PI() or use the DEGREES function.
  • If the argument is outside of the range from -1 to 1, ASIN returns #NUM! error.
  • If the argument is a non-numeric value, ASIN returns #VALUE! error.

Example: Using as Worksheet Function

The example below shows how to use the ASIN function as worksheet function.

Excel ASIN function

Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the output of the following worksheet formula will be:

Result: -1.570796327

Result: -0.523598776

Result: -0.304692654

Result: 0

Result: 0.304692654

Result: 0.523598776

Result: 1.570796327

Example: Convert Result to Degrees

To get the result from ASIN function in degrees, the result can be multiplied by 180/PI(). Alternatively, the angle can be converted into degrees by using DEGREES function. For example, to convert 2 radians into degrees, the following formula can be used:

=2 * 180/PI()
Result: 114.591559026165

Result: 114.591559026165

Example: PI() Function

A half-rotation (180°) in radians is equal to 3.142.. or 𝜋. A full-rotation (360°) in radians is equal to 6.283.. or 2𝜋. To get the value of 𝜋, Excel PI function can be used.

Result: 3.14159265358979

Result: 180

❮ Excel Functions